The little cocker spaniel had eyes for only one person, his little mistress. The dog
followed her everywhere. Their love for each other was mutual.
When the little girl and her parents moved they could not take the dog with them to the mission field so they gave him to a family member.
A month later the dog was dead. He showed no signs of illness and the veterinarian said the dog had died of a broken heart. When we think of a broken heart we feel sad, whether it's a heart of an animal or human being.
There is a time, however that the opposite is true. Psalm 51:17 tells us that God loves a broken and contrite heart. Psalm 34:18 says the Lord is near to them who have a broken heart and saves those of a contrite spirit.
In God's eyes a broken heart is a new heart and a happy heart, not because of hurt or pain, but because one has given up the old self and now belongs to God and has a new way of thinking, a new way of living.
William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, knew the secret of success and
happiness in God's service. He said this, "God has all there is of me."
Does God have all there is of you? If this is so, His great sacrifice, His Son on Calvary, was not in vain. The broken heart of Calvary purchased the kingdom of God for the contrite spirit.
Father you told us in Your Word that You would take away our stony heart and give us a heart of flesh. Give us a broken heart, broken from self interest and self seeking. Teach us to be other centered, give us a new heart so that we may bless others and glorify You. In Jesus name amen.